Kiara Wymer at Tournament 20180106 Illinois District INT SR N

This quizzer summary page is in the early stages of design. In the near future, this page will include many more details about this quizzer's performance at this tournament. If you have suggestions about what you would like included on this page, please contact us.

Raw Data (after lock data ignored):

Quiz #10IC10IE10NIC10NIE10RRC10RRE20IC20IE20NIC20NIE20RRC20RRE30IC30IE30NIC30NIE30RRC30RREPercent ContributionLock Question
75.00% Correct in 10s66.67% Correct in 20snan% Correct in 30s
nan% Interrupt Correct in 10s100.00% Interrupt Correct in 20snan% Interrupt Correct in 30s
2.0 (25%) Avg Answered in 10s1.5 (17%) Avg Answered in 20s0.0 (0%) Avg Answered in 30s

Overall 71.43% Correct (5 correct, 2 missed)
Overall 100.00% Interrupt Correct (1 interrupted correct, 0 interrupted missed)
Answered an average of 3.5 questions per quiz (2.5 correct, 1.0 missed)

There is no guarantee that the displayed information exactly matches what is happening or what happened during the quiz due to potential connectivity issues.